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Appearance of monument at the dedication 11/27/2010

Test fit of the M16 memorial, taken 10/11/2010

Flagpole site, before, as seen from south bleachers

Finished plaque for the chevron pedestal

View of flagpole from south bleachers

Installing the electrical

Flags flying, view from the south

Installing the electrical, thanks Bridger!

Location with sign posted

Pouring concrete

First flags flew Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fund raising booth at the rodeo

The Special

Fund raising booth at Salem Days Fair in the Square

Center column for the flagpole

Fund raising booth at Salem Days Fair in the Square

Building the form for the base

Ninth Ward young men hard at work

People who dropped by on 9/11 to contribute to the time capsule, including some Marines from Nigel's unit

Appearance of monument as of 9/11/2010

Thanks for all your help, Derk

The monument on 11/14/2010

Placing the flagpole